VPS Cloud Hosting Infrastructure Print

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Get A Highly Available Enterprise Infrastructure for a Fraction of the Cost.

The Cloud Hosting platforms most significant features are security, availability, and flexibility. It is only natural that different types of business will be looking for different features when choosing a cloud hosting provider. Of course, everybody is looking for a reliable, enterprise-grade infrastructure with high availability – and we have made it our number one priority to deliver this to all of our customers.


The international IP network provides direct connectivity to the world's two largest Tier 1 carriers Level(3) and NTT as well as 100+ additional peering relationships with companies such as nLayer, Cox, Rogers, Cablevision, Hurricane Electric, Facebook, and many others. Due to the size of our network we have 24/7 in-house network engineers with a full array of industry certifications.

Internally, our Cloud Hosting is built on highly redundant Cisco switches allowing us a redundant 720 Gbit/sec backplane for our platform. The network is configured to provide optimal capacity to each hypervisor, while maintaining true 100% network availability internally, with latency measurements in the microseconds. Any individual switch failure will not cause any generally noticeable availability issues, due to our unique highly available network configuration.


NetApp SAN Storage reliability and IO capabilities are the core component of most cloud hosting solutions and this is where Namesonic VPS Cloud Hosting really shines.

The back-end storage for our cloud computing environment is on an Enterprise NetApp SAN, utilizing over 100 hard drives and 1TB of solid state cache. We are not using a hacked together in-house solution, but instead a tried and true enterprise solution that is used by financial exchanges, Fortune 500 corporations, and major IT Infrastructure providers around the globe.

The NetApp SAN utilizes a redundant drive configuration, redundant head-end units, redundant controller cards, redundant power supplies, and redundant network paths for a truly redundant environment with no single point of failure across both our 15,000 RPM SAS and SATA data tiers. This SAN is connected to the network backplane with multiple 10 Gigabit connections for optimal IO performance and redundancy.


With a number of accounts stored within one physical server, the hardware resources must be carefully managed and distributed to each cloud hosted service.

Namesonic VPS Cloud Hosting is based on uniform Supermicro based systems with dual Xeon processors and at least 72GB of memory. These systems have gone through extensive burn-in testing and the hardware was selected to provide the utmost in speed and reliability. Even if a hypervisor were to fail, your virtual machines would be automatically allocated to a new hypervisor, offering true high availability and no worries about significant downtime due to hardware failures.


Our cloud hosting solutions are physically situated within data center facilities, with over 24,000 sq. ft. of active data center space in the city of Chicago.

Our primary data center is at 350 E Cermak Rd, Chicago's premier carrier hotel, putting us at the heart of Chicago's network infrastructure. All of our facilities are equipped with N+1 redundancy throughout the power (UPS and generator) and environmental systems to assure an optimal operating environment and 100% power availability.

Physical security of these facilities is managed by 24/7 security, biometric and key card access restrictions, 24/7 on-site data center staffing, and monitored and recorded camera systems.

A Reliable, Accessible Infrastructure – The Perfect Home For Your Business

With such carefully managed, tailor-made hardware solutions in place, Namesonic VPS Cloud Hosting is truly an unrivalled cloud service offered on an unrivalled physical infrastructure. Sign up today to explore the world of reliable cloud hosting with Namesonic Internet Services VPS Cloud Hosting.

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